Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Kisah uncle dan aku

Assalamualaikum and Hello!

So, hari ini I would like to babble about being kind and sweet candy dandy (sebab i am not). Teringat masa touch down kat LCCT, sementara menunggu my BFF solat, aku tunggu dekat McD sambil usap-usap perut sebab sakit! then ada seorang uncle ni approach and asked me whether he can join me. Sebab perut tak berapa selesa, so aku just angguk and senyum without beramah mesra. Then, tiba-tiba uncle tu nak belanja ice cream! Alahai uncle, you so kind tapi at that moment memang takde rasa nak makan anything sweet. Tapi uncle tu gigihkan jugak nak belanja aku...I saw him with all the strength bangun and pergi  dekat kaunter. Aku cakap with all the strength sebab I saw him trembling! Macam menggigil-gigil..so I just assume maybe uncle tu penat lepas touch down from somewhere and he need something sweet to refresh. Yeke? So, after uncle tu bagi ice cream sundae cone vanilla yang sedap tu kat aku, aku pun.....Bismillah...baru nak buka mulut ngap, aku terdengar ada orang jerit and marah-marah straight in front of us..a few meter away. Ak blur sekejap..aku ada buat salah ke??? 

Ok, will continue later...what happen and why. 

Till then,

Saturday, 26 October 2013

The First

Ok, this is my first ever virtual writing! Oh yeah got so excited about this. Since after all babbling through my e-diary now I can start babble in my own blog. Cool!

Happy mode.